Margaret Reece
Hope Restored, UK
Margaret Reece is passionate about helping people with C-PTSD overcome their struggles. Through her life-time experiences of C-PTSD and courses with world trauma experts, she hopes to narrow the gap between therapist and client. A childhood, devoid of any stable adult attachment figure, plus cumulative trauma, led to both emotions and thought processes shutting down. She was hospitalised, aged 19, for four years, given 30-40 ECTs, insulin therapy and medication; no success. She divorced herself from professional help to avoid life-time institutionalisation. In her sixties, she sought professional help; she had been misdiagnosed, aged 19, with schizophrenia, and inappropriate treatment given. Two further misdiagnoses followed. The anti-psychotic medication she had taken for 56 years became unavailable, no warning; no substitute available. She set out to transform herself. Her book, Hope Restored: a guide to embracing the storms of C-PTSD is self-help, interspersed with memoir. It is being published this year.
Abstract : C-PTSD : Integrating personal and professional perspectives. It is no longer a life sentence.